Concrete Floor Repair in Rio Grande Valley, Texas

Restore your uneven and cracked concrete floors to their former sturdy and appealing state.

What is Concrete Repair

Concrete is an extremely durable material and is used in various areas. While it is strong, it is not indestructible.

Just like other areas of your home or business, concrete needs to be maintained, to preserve its durability. The gaps in-between the concrete slab in your driveway, warehouse, garage are likely more important than you think.

Also called expansion joints, they allow the different segments of the concrete slab to both expand and contract as the temperature and humidity change throughout the year.

Concrete repair is the process of fixing a concrete surface that has lost its ability to hold together all the binding materials that make it up. It is an ideal procedure for treating cracks, impacts, and chipped surfaces.

At RGV Concrete Stain, we have found that most surface damaged concrete can be repaired or restored. We use the latest techniques and equipment to repair, level, seal, and protect your concrete.

Concrete Repair Flooring Rio Grande Valley

Why fix your damaged concrete

Repairing concrete is an affordable alternative and can have the area looking great in no time.

Prevents Additional Damage

Damaged concrete surface, even if it is a small crack, can provide an entrance for water that can further weaken the concrete. When the temperature goes below the freezing point, the water that has seeped in, can freeze and cause the crack to expand. Fixing the cracks in your concrete, no matter how small they may seem can help prevent additional damage to the concrete surface and building foundations.


Cracked and damaged concrete, can cause accidents and injuries. In an industrial environment, it can cause damage to forklifts, machines, and your employees. In a residential setting, it not only can reduce the value of your property but also cause damage to the foundations of your home. Repairing damaged concrete improves health and safety and saves money in the long run.

Cost Effective

When caught on time, concrete repair is a lot less time-consuming and less expensive, than having to replace your concrete slab. If repaired on time, it can save you money from having to fix damaged equipment or moisture issues.

Photo by <a href="">Cookie the Pom</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

How RGV repairs your concrete

The most vital part of every concrete repair is the concrete prep.

For concrete repair, there isn't one method that fits all. The method used for repair depends on the condition of the deteriorated concrete, the size, and depth of the crack, the area where the crack is located. Repairing a crack in a warehouse can greatly differ from repairing a damaged driveway or pool deck.

There are different techniques that we use for each damage such as crack injection, concrete pothole repair, joint repair, trip hazard removal.

Why not give us a call or schedule a site visit to learn more about the ideal concrete resurfacing product required for your project.

Concrete Floor options

Not sure if concrete repair is the right flooring option for you? Not a problem, RGV Concrete Stain specialized in different concrete floor solutions.

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‍With seamless flooring, there isn't one size fits all. Every space is different and requires different flooring capabilities and performance, like anti-slip, anti-microbial, impact and abrasion resistant, chemical and wear-resistant.

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